We are a church dedicated to connecting with
and loving people no matter where they are in the process of life.
Our hope is that those who come to Louisburg Baptist Church experience a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit, feel the love of the Father,
and find Jesus close beside them.
Here you are loved
and have a place you can call home.

Reverend Tony Capehart
Tony began his service at Louisburg Baptist Church on December 1, 2019.
Tony and his wife, Kim have four children, Charis, Cullen, Scott and Sara Ann.
Michelle Harris
Libby Cox
Brian Miller
Libby Cox
Jackie Ayscue
Feel free to call Jackie with any questions.
Office Hours
9 to 12 and 1 to 4
Monday through Friday
Phone Number: 919-496-4195
Church e-mail: louisburgbaptist@outlook.com
Follow us on Facebook

Louisburg Baptist Church is a community of faith
with a rich heritage and a promising future.
Dr. Samuel Wait,
the first president of what would become
Wake Forest University, organized the
church in 1836 and served as its first pastor.
Today, Louisburg Baptist Church
is a church that is inclusive in its ministries.
We are dually aligned with the
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
and the Southern Baptist Convention.
Our constitution requires that one half of
our deacons be female since we are cognizant that
God calls those who will serve Him
without regard to gender.
As the Body of Christ,
we seek to be Christ-like in our witness to His love
through mission action within our community
and around the world.

When the Louisburg Baptist Church sanctuary was constructed in 1904, a pipe organ was included.
The beautiful facade pipes, which were re-painted and stenciled in 2008, were a part of that 1904 organ.
In 1963, that original organ was in disrepair and was replaced with a Baldwin electric organ.
The facade pipes remained, but at this point were only for decoration.
In 1976, the church purchased the current pipe organ built by the Moller Organ Company.
Once again, the facade pipes were for decoration only.The working part of the organ was hidden behind the facade
and the 1976 organ served the congregation well for many years. However, as time went on, repairs became necessary. In 1985, it was "re-leathered" according to documents. When the church contracted with Daniel Angerstein in 2008 to repaint the facade pipes, the need for re-voicing and reinvigorating the organ was discovered. Daniel, who lives in Hendersonville, NC and travels all over the country restoring organs, recognized untapped potential in the organ. He was able to use the original 1904 pipes, which had a deeper scale, to refurbish a failing part of the 1976 organ.
In 2014, the LBC Advisory Board voted to purchase two ranks of pipes and an off-set wind chest
which became available as a result of the decision to replace rather than repair a 1929 Reuter organ on the University of North Carolina campus. Again, Daniel Angerstein was called to work on the LBC pipe organ. Daniel was able to awaken the long-slumbering facade pipes using the sturdy and solid pipes from the Reuter organ.
These "new" pipes provide magnificent tonal color and richness to the organ's sound.
Restoring the pipe organ to its present, beautiful, rich sound was no small feat.
It took many hours of labor, many minute adjustments, and much expertise and skill.
But, finally, after all the voicing, regulating wind pressure, wiring, building, tubing, and tuning... the "new" ranks and facade are now in operation. The end result is a magnificently voiced instrument that speaks extremely well in the sanctuary and now uses a combination of organs from 1904, 1929, and 1976.
History lives as sounds from the 1904 organ,
silenced since 1963, are heard once more.